2020 Recap

  • 29 Dec, 2020
2020 Recap

I wanted to take a moment to share some personal reflections and experiences from the past couple of years, particularly the rollercoaster that was 2020. It’s been a year that none of us will ever forget, marked by a global pandemic that has reshaped our lives in ways we never imagined.

First off, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room: COVID-19. This virus has taken a toll on countless lives and livelihoods. Many businesses have shuttered, and tragically, many people have lost loved ones. For those of us born in the ’90s, this has undoubtedly been the strangest and most challenging period we’ve lived through. We found ourselves confined to our homes for months on end, with some of us stuck in tiny rooms in shared apartments. It was tough, no doubt about it.

However, amidst all this chaos, I consider myself incredibly fortunate. Since moving from home in 2013 and working at a factory, my career has taken some unexpected but welcome turns. Two years ago, I was promoted to a role in export sales, in addition to my responsibilities as a quality manager. This new position has granted me a level of flexibility that I never thought possible.

The beauty of my current role is that it doesn’t tie me down to a specific physical location. Given the global circumstances, this flexibility has been a game-changer. It allowed me to make a significant life change: moving back to my beloved island with my family. Honestly, I never thought I’d be able to work from here. The local job market isn’t exactly brimming with engineering opportunities, but the peace of mind and proximity to family have been invaluable.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this journey has been the role of technology. Thanks to advancements in tech, I’ve been able to manage my responsibilities effectively from various locations around the world. Despite not being physically present to tighten the last bolt on the machines, I’ve been able to contribute meaningfully to my company’s success. The results have been positive, even throughout 2020, proving that remote work can be just as effective as being on-site.

This experience has also nudged me toward a slightly different career path, one that leans more into sales and product development. While it might not be the traditional route for an engineer, it’s a path that aligns well with my current circumstances and aspirations. I’ll continue to share my insights and solutions on this website, giving my all to both my company and this community.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Simply put, technology has made possible what once seemed impossible. The ability to work remotely, to stay connected, and to contribute effectively from anywhere in the world is a testament to the incredible advancements we’ve seen in recent years. It’s a reminder that even in the face of unprecedented challenges, there are opportunities for growth and adaptation.

As we move forward, I encourage all of you to embrace the changes and opportunities that come your way. Whether it’s a new role, a different way of working, or a chance to be closer to loved ones, these experiences can shape us in unexpected and rewarding ways.