What is LK-99 and why it might be such a big deal
- 03 Aug, 2023

Today, I want to share some buzz-worthy news that could revolutionize our field. Imagine a material that could make electric motors, batteries and electronics much cheaper. It might finally get us the flying cars that Peter Thiel wanted. Sounds good? It’s called LK-99 and might become the material of our lifetime.
Conductors and Semiconductors: A Simple Start
Before we dig into this exciting discovery, let’s have a quick recap of what conductors and semiconductors are. Conductors are materials that let electricity flow through them with minimal resistance. Picture a smooth highway where electrons (the tiny particles that make up electricity) can zoom around freely. Some of the most popular conductors you might have heard of are copper (used in all the wires out there) and aluminum, but there are many of them. These materials have what we call ‘free electrons’ that can move around easily within the structure.
However, this speedy movement can cause a lot of friction and heat. Just like when you rub your hands together, the more movement, the more heat is generated. So, in electronic devices, these conductors can heat up, requiring things like fans and heat sinks to cool them down. If things get too hot, you’ve got a recipe for a computer meltdown (and not the kind you get from a tricky math homework)!
Now, what if there was a road with no traffic and no friction, where cars could zip around without losing any energy as heat? Welcome to the world of superconductors! These materials that can conduct electricity without any resistance or heat loss. It’s like having a magical road where nothing slows down the electrons.
But here’s the catch: these materials need to be super cold (like near absolute zero) or under very high pressure. This extreme condition aligns the electrons in a special way, allowing them to flow without bumping into anything, hence no heat. That’s why superconductors have been tough to use in everyday stuff. But they hold the key to some amazing possibilities, like frictionless motors and energy-saving technologies.
Enter LK-99: The Game Changer?
Now, here comes LK-99, discovered by researchers from Korea University. It looks a bit like lead, with a touch of copper and has this hexagonal structure that makes it act as a superconductor at room temperature and normal pressure. No freezing necessary!
You might have seen videos of little objects floating above a superconductor, right? It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it’s very much a reality. When a superconductor is cooled down to a temperature close to absolute zero, it starts to expel magnetic fields from its interior, creating a kind of magnetic force-field around itself. This phenomenon is known as the Meissner Effect, and it’s a defining characteristic of what we call Type 1 superconductors.
Imagine placing a magnet above this force-field. It would float, suspended in mid-air, as the superconductor repels the magnetic field of the magnet. It’s like having two magnets with the same poles facing each other - they push each other away. This is what allows for the levitation effect.
Whilst Type 1 superconductors are amazing, they are somewhat limited in their practical use because they’re quite sensitive to magnetic fields and can quickly lose their superconducting properties. Enter Type 2 superconductors, the real heroes for our futuristic applications. Instead of completely expelling the magnetic field, they allow some magnetic field lines to pass through in a very controlled manner. This creates what’s known as “flux pinning.”
What does that mean for us? Well, it makes Type 2 superconductors more stable and capable of handling higher magnetic fields. This is what makes them more suitable for things like levitating trains (Maglev trains) and even the concept of flying cars!
With the discovery of LK-99, a potential room-temperature superconductor, the dream of bringing these levitating properties into everyday use becomes more realistic. Think of trains that glide without touching the tracks, or motors where parts move without friction. The energy savings and efficiency improvements would be off the charts!
Though it sounds amazing, there’s been a bit of drama around this discovery. The paper announcing it has some mistakes, and the authors seem to be arguing amongst themselves. Plus, other scientists are a bit skeptical since this discovery is so extraordinary. Independent researchers are working hard to check if LK-99 is as fantastic as it sounds, but we’ll have to wait a few weeks more for those results.
Conclusion: A New Horizon?
LK-99 might be the holy grail of materials science. If true, it could redefine how we manufacture everything from electric motors to electronics. But, like every promising story, there’s a bit of suspense as we wait for more evidence. We might be on the brink of a manufacturing revolution. But for now, let’s keep an eye on the updates and keep dreaming big.